Friday, January 8, 2010

1st Live Cover of 2010 Accomplished

We have a number of customers that bring their cows and heifers to us for Live Cover, that is to say, stud service. In early NOV 2009, three cows arrived to be sequestered with KNF CIBOLO. Typically what our procedure requires is a breeding of exposure of 60 - 90 days. These days are days of observation by a ranch hand - usually Falster - looking for the bull to pay attention to the cow or heifer - called Tending. Cibolo is very affectionate in his mating approach, often wooing to her as she goes into estrous.

In times past we had to guess she was bred if she didn't cycle some 21 days or so after the Tending days. The owner then will wait 90 days and then “palpate” her to see if she was “settled.” This act of palpation is a physical manipulation of the ovarian cavity, entered through the rectum. While not frequently, sometimes the procedure can cause the short breed embryo to abort.

But within the last few years a new non invasive procedure – a simple blood test – has been developed by a company called BioTracking the maker of BioPRYN, a blood pregnancy test for cattle, elk, sheep, goat, bison, and deer. This is our preferred procedure these last months, and we have been delighted with the ease and effectiveness of it; particularly on our smaller sizes of cattle.

We use D’s Diagnostic Services in Cumby, Texas. She is prompt, pays close attention to details, and cost effective.

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