Saturday, July 10, 2010

Rainy Day in Texas

When we receive visitors at Falster Farm they are often curious about how I have the operation of this farm/ranch set up. I point out first of all that it is important to me to have it so that one man can pretty much move all the animals to where they should go during the certain appointed seasons.

This post is pointing out that our home is positioned in the middle of the property with the breding pastures to the South and West and the calving pasture to the North side of the house. With this in mind one can easily imagine how lovely it is to get up in the morning and walk from one end of the Front Porch observing and cataloging the breeding activity of the Herd Sires to the South and West and check to see which dropped a calve last night!

This morning I observed KNF CIBOLO tending POR ROXIE SPICEWOOD to the South while in the North, RD MISS KATY (an Investment Program Cow) is completing the ejection of after-birth of her bull calf  KING GEORGE III two days ago. What an interesting morning, and I haven't even left the front porch yet!

Hope you day is going as well -- KEF

Here is a view to the North West showing the calving yard or pasture.